Towards a Beautiful Life.
In a time when thriving is heralded, celebrated, for those “merely coping”, can feel isolated, our internal sense of self worth pressed upon. Coping and thriving in some senses can relate to our exterior accomplishments, and our ability to withstand the external demands placed upon us, whether they be physical, psychological, emotional, financial. Coping can be interpreted that we are just surviving, doing enough to get through each day.
Turning to the internal orchestration of how coping manifests within the body, can give this experience meaning, helping us to understand it. Encountering challenge and struggle can internally activate our the flight and fight responses, which paradoxically, has been shown to be beneficial for growth.
Stress within the body, has been widely researched and is nuanced, some stress can be beneficial to growth and health and some not. In the instances where we view the stress, as good, coping maybe the means through which grow, and once its abated, feel energised. In coping, or moments of survival, where are bought back to the present moment, and as Erkhart Tolle reminds us “ the present moment is all we ever have”. Coping whilst deeply uncomfortable maybe a way of being bought back to acknowledging what is truly important, breaking and remoulding us in the process. Coping in bringing us back to our bodies, to presence, maybe the gateway to a beautiful life.
26. Feb. 2025.